Let’s get together and feel alright.

- Bob Marley


I have a range of availability—
early mornings, during lunchtime, and afternoons:
Monday-Friday & Sunday

Fill out the form below, and let’s get something set up!

When you book a FREE CONSULTATION CALL, please:

  • Write “free consultation call” in your message.

  • Tell me what services you are interested in.

    When you book any appointment, please:

  • First-time clients: Tell me what service you’re booking.

  • Tell me what days and times work best for you.

Not sure whether any of my services are right for you right now?
The FREE 15-MINUTE CONSULTATION CALL is a great way to learn more about how I can help you achieve your goals with absolutely no strings attached (apart from the consequence of leaving with my unending support and well wishes).

Still unsure? I get it. Change can be scary.
Shoot me an email for more information or for any and all questions.
I’m here for you!


Book An Appointment!




Have any accommodations you would like me to provide? I’ve got you!


“English is not my first language.”

No problem! I am proficient in the Spanish language. If you speak a language other than Spanish, I am happy to email you and figure out the best way to move forward. Whether I can help you achieve your goals using language translation technology, translation services, or otherwise, we will make it work!

“I have problems with hearing.”

No problem! I am happy to schedule a time for a “FREE EMAIL CONSULTATION SESSION”, and we can write back and forth instead of speaking on the phone. For future sessions, we can still meet in a video-conference call (as desired), but I can communicate over chat and demonstrate exercises, etc. I am happy to provide videos with captions and make sure all forms of communication have writing involved.

“I have limited access to a computer.”

No problem! If you are able, email me or have someone else email me once. Tell me about your situation. We can talk on the phone moving forward. I can send you an exercise program, or any materials you need, in the mail! If you are local to the Boston area and do not have access to mail, we can try to arrange a drop-off. You do not need access to a home or certain living accommodations in order to get an exercise program! I will make it work for YOU.

“It is hard for me to read and write.”

No problem! I am trained in “plain language principles.” This means that I can write and speak in a way that is easy to understand. I can write at a level that is understood by everyone with a 6th grade reading level or less. I will make sure I talk to you so that we understand each other!

“I have problems with my vision.”

No problem! I can provide verbal guidance and make sure the materials I send you are easily understood using transcription technology. We can make accommodations for assistance with accessing video-conferencing sessions, as able.